libpic170x  0.2
Ease of use library for PIC16(L)1705/1709 chips
libpic170x library

Table of Contents

The libpic170x modular toolbox that is intended to make using or implemeting certain features of a PIC microcontroller less painful. It either gives a basis to work off, or provides a modular library to build an application from. The library was developed for the PIC16(L)F1705 and PIC16(L)F1709 microcontrollers. It is likely that the library will not work with other microcontrollers.

Please refer to the Usage section for details on how to use the library.


This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the the attached file for details.



Example implementations showcasing the different libraries, can be found on the examples page.


The library can be used in two different ways:

Using the library as inlined sources is most likely the most useful way of using the library since the library uses preprocessor macros to compile certain library settings directly into the library to save program memory.

General requirements

In order to compile and use any part of the library you must have installed:

Additional dependecies:

Use as inlined sources

Using the library as inlined sources is most likely the easiest way to use the library. Just copy all the source files for libraries that you would like to use into your your project and compile them yourself. There are not many things to consider. You only need to define _XTAL_FREQ to match your desired processor frequency and you are ready to roll!

Build/use as static library

Using the library as a static library allows staying up to date with the latest releases of the library easily. However, due to the light-weight setup of the library certain aspects like clock speeds and prescaler factors are directly compiled to binary code and cannot be set when using the library. The values in question specifically are:

To allow users to select the chip type and clock speed when setting up a project the compiled library name includes the parameter selection for chip and frequency in its name. Example:


This library is compiled for a PIC16LF1705 micro controller running its main processor clock at 2 MHz.

The sources for libpic170x contain a convenience bash-script with the name which will build all supported combinations of chip and frequencies in one go. Alternatively, if only one parameter set must be built, it is possible to control which library is being built by defining the make variables chip and xtal_freq and setting them to the apropriate parameters. Example: make chip=16LF1705 xtal_freq=8000000 will build libpic170x_16LF1705_8000000.lpp.

Project compile options

After the library is built, it will be placed in the install-directory of the project. Configure your PIC-project as follows:

Then your are set. For a working example, check the blink-demo application from the examples-directory.

Library dependency tree

The dependency tree indicates what headers nad libraries are required to be included for usinga given feature. freq.h forms the basis for all other libraries since it defines important timing constants for all other libraries, so it must always be available. For all other libraries all direct and indirect dependecies must be available for the library to function.
